Engaging Resources
A selection of fine quality items for your browsing pleasure!
We distribute "e"-certificates for all participants. Our "e"-certificates are distributed and hosted on the www.eCert.me registry. This resource provides easy access and sharing options to all recipients.

Self Discovery Resources
The first and most important step on the way to becoming and engaging leader…is to engage your self by increasing your self-awareness. Who are you? What do you care about ? What beliefs limit you? What are your deepest values? Where does your real genius lie? Here are some resources that can assist you on your journey of self-discovery.

Engaging Others
Engaging Others is the second milestone on the way to becoming an effective leader. Armed with a deeper understanding of yourself, your motivations, your talents and areas of ‘non-talent’ you are in a much better position to develop your ability to work effectively with and to inspire and lead others.

Recommended Books
A selection of books available for you to purchase through EngagingMinds. These titles are selected with you in mind to enhance your personal potential and help you be achieve your dreams, and available elsewhere on the web.

Recommended Audio & Video
A selection of audio available for you through EngagingMinds. These titles are selected with you in mind to enhance your personal potential and help you be achieve your dreams, and available elsewhere on the web.