6 Reasons You Should Engage Your Future Now
Engaging the Future is a world-class journey of leadership development, coming to Taipei for the first time in November 2012. Join us in Engaging your Future, and learn to unleash your full potential as an effective and conscious leader. ETF is a valuable investment in your future, both professionally and personally—creating countless opportunities to demonstrate your ability as a leader, as well as enabling you to engage with others from an entirely new perspective. We provide a five-month comprehensive journey to mastery that includes:
- An exciting, world-class curriculum with the secrets of the world's greatest leaders taught in a way that you can immediately use.
- A total of 6 days of action-packed on-site training over three separate weekends, scheduled for your convenience.
- The best single investment you can make in your future: becoming the leader you know you can be!
- A three-volume Engaging the Future toolkit with exercises, tools, and valuable learning materials you can use for a lifetime.
- On-line access to an incredible collection of leadership resources...available to Engaging The Future alumni only.
- EngagingMinds' Inquiry Cards, available only to Engaging The Future participants
- A memorable Graduation Day ceremony and e-certificates to celebrate and recognize your achievement
David Chard, your “Engaging the Future” facilitator, brings deep experience of leadership training and development, earned through decades of leading organizations and grounded in certifications in the world's most effective training technologies. Uniquely, Chard is a veteran leadership trainer who also comes with over 30 years of business experience in the public relations industry. Since 1989 David has trained hundreds of senior executives from Fortune 500 companies throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Now, after two years of research and development, he has custom-designed an exciting and relevant curriculum “Engaging the Future” to, in his words "create a new generation of Engaging Leaders that can truly make a difference for themselves and for the planet." See Details HERE.
"If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting."
- Wally "Famous" Amos
"You can't get a new hole by digging the same hole deeper."
- Edward DeBono
Below are SIX EXCELLENT REASONS for you to consider and decide if Engaging the Future is right for you.
Reason 1:
You Sense You Have Leadership Ability, but Feel Progress is Painfully Slow.
If you agree you have leadership potential but do not have a clear strategy to achieve your potential, Engaging the Future invites you to intervene in your own Destiny and make a modest investment that will pay you back many times as you rapidly accelerate towards your dream.
Why can we make this offer with complete confidence?
Because we have been where you are now. We know that the most successful leaders are those who consistently invest in their own development. And we have created a world-class journey to masterful leadership that is worth your investment...IF you have what it takes to become an Engaging Leader.
We imagine that if you are like most people, you are already weary of ‘waiting’ for others to recognize your potential and make a bet on you. Most likely they never will.
Because they don’t have to! And because they are ‘risk-averse.’ They don’t have to because they know there are plenty more like you who can take your place. They know there is an endless supply of drones waiting in line who won’t ask much for themselves and will gladly lower their expectations, work even harder in hopes that ‘someday’ they will be noticed. Excuse the term, but we refer to such workers as ‘Donkeys’ and to their masters as “Donkey Farmers.”
We claim that in life, you don’t get what you want. And, you don’t get what you deserve. You simply get what you accept.
If you are prepared to accept the “status quo” and passively ‘wait and hope for the best’ while being treated as an expendable beast of burden---if you are not yet ready to activate your own destiny--then you can stop reading this now.
That may sound harsh, but that’s how it is. Engaging the Future is not for everyone.
But---if you are ready to take decisive action and create a different Destiny for yourself---because you believe in yourself---please read on.
Reason 2:
You Have Realized that “What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There.”
Its probably safe to assume that you have invested some of the best years of your life pursuing a formal education. You survived high school, made it through university and may even be considering graduate education. Right?
And, most likely, you are either working for some business now or actively searching for a....”job.” And you desperately hope that by finding or keeping a ‘job’ that a bright future will open up in front of you and your ‘success’ will be assured. Is that correct?
We are very much in favor of education and congratulate you for your commitment to higher learning. We only wish that your education had been better designed to provide you with the kind of learning opportunities that would actually equip you to Engage the Future.
Sadly, most universities don’t provide these opportunities. For the most part, they cling to the same model of ‘academic’ teaching that was popular at the time of the Industrial Revolution and have not kept up with changes in our world.
In university you learned language, math and science and perhaps a bit of business theory. You stuffed your head with facts and figures, formulas, case studies and theories. You absorbed heaps of “information” to enable you to ‘pass the examination’ get the grades and graduate. That is a very typical experience.
Unfortunately, something very important was missing:
Your professors, while well-intended, did not have the ability to actually show you how to activate what you learned in the real world of business.
So as you probably discovered when you entered the workplace, you began without the most important skills, mindsets and self-awareness that would enable you to advance quickly. And you now face years, possibly decades, of tedious ‘trial and error’ learning with no one around to mentor you! In fact, they don’t want you to learn from them because they consider you as ‘the competition.’ They are quite happy to let you twist slowly in the wind.
You are facing a decades-long process called ‘climbing the ladder’ and your frustration is deep. The type of learning that got you to the first rung on the ladder is mostly useless to help you climb up the ladder. And time is ticking by. Right?
Engaging the Future provides the learning opportunities you missed, the secrets of the world’s most successful leaders that universities are not equipped to teach, except in the form of formula-based case studies that are often years, if not decades, out of date.
If you are nodding your head “yes” as you read, you have probably already realized that the kind of education you got in school, though useful and hard-earned, isn’t going to take you to the next level.
If you resonate with this, you feel you owe it to yourself to carefully investigate how Engaging the Future can give you the knowledge, confidence and strategies you are missing. Find out for yourself how this action-packed journey to mastery can quickly accelerate your progress towards a future you may currently consider as ‘impossible’ and out of reach for you.
To find out what you need to know, all you have to do is keep reading. You are reading this for a reason and the fact that you are here means you probably have what it takes.
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Engaging the Future - Register NowRegister now for the entire course (Engaging Yourself as a Leader, Engaging Others as a Leader, Engaging the Future as a Leader) to receive a discount on the total package price. |
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Reason 3:
You Have Begun to Suspect that Your Own Self-Limiting Beliefs, Not “Lack of Opportunity” is Your Greatest Obstacle
Anthony Robbins, the world-famous author and seminar leader, in his best-selling book “Awaken the Giant Within” states a powerful truth: “Most people know what to do...they just don’t do what they know.” Does that make sense to you? It’s so true isn’t it.
If ‘information’ and ‘knowledge’ were the only requirements, you would surely already be where you wanted to be. Yes?
So the real question is: What is it that STOPS most people, and perhaps you, from achieving their dreams, even after investing the best years of their lives and many thousands of hours in formal academic programs that were supposed to be your ‘ticket to success?”
The somewhat surprising answer is that people simply stop themselves!
Unconsciously, they are holding on to outdated and often ludicrous beliefs about themselves that stop them in their tracks every time. They doubt themselves. The don’t quite believe they have what it takes. They fear ‘failure’ and fear they don’t quite ‘fit in.’ And they put themselves down, feeling a sense of shame about who they are. Often they actively sabotage their own success, though not consciously. Sound familiar?
And it seems there was nothing in their formal education to help them overcome these issues! Isn’t that crazy...that the most important part of one’s education, the keys to self-empowering beliefs are not even included in the curriculum!
Engaging the Future actually begins, from the very first day, to address these limitations, and guides you in a step-by-step process to understand yourself in a new way. The process is challenging but quite safe and respectful and allows you to see what you have not been seeing. Its like getting a new pair of glasses to see yourself, and the world, very differently.
Engaging the Future provides you with the tools, guidance and experiential learning to literally remove any self-imposed limits that hold you back...and replace them with new ‘software of the mind’ that will empower you to be what you want to become.
We can promise you this: that if you choose Engaging the Future for yourself now, in the first two days you will discover how your own conditioned beliefs have been stopping you..AND...you will be able to easily discard those outdated beliefs and replace then with new, empowering beliefs that will open up an entirely new future of possibilities for yourself. In fact, we guarantee it. If you want to know more, we invite you to read on.
Reason 4:
You Dream of Creating New Possibilities for Yourself and Others. And---You Have No Idea Where to Start
Just for a moment, shift your attention to your future. Imagine your Future Self, 5 years from now, enjoying the satisfaction of dreams come true. You can see that money is no longer a problem for you. You know you are respected because even senior leaders ask your advice...and they listen. You feel a natural confidence that others envy. Those you lead trust you deeply and push themselves to be more like you. You see yourself knowing exactly where you are, where you are going and how to get there.
And the reason for all of this, the reason that Future You is having such a good time, is that you have mastered the secrets of 12 ‘Engaging Minds’ you learned in Engaging the Future. We can promise you that if you fully apply yourself and activate what we are going to give you during Engaging the Future, you will utterly believe that future is possible for you and you will easily make it your future reality.
First, however, before you can confidently unleash the power of others, you must find out how to engage your own power as a leader. Once you do that, you will be happy work for your dreams because you will KNOW, deep down, that YOU CAN DO IT.
And you will be right.
We know, from many decades of personal experience, and from years of intensive research and practicing, what makes great leaders so powerful...and we want to share this with people like you who are truly ready to make some changes.
The secret lies hidden within yourself, as we have said already.
Contrary to popular opinion, the ‘answer’ is NOT ‘out there. It is ‘in here.’
The real question, once you realize this, is:
“How can I unleash my hidden potential and truly awaken the giant that now sleeps...waiting and hoping for ‘someday’ to come?”
Our message to you is this: The only time to begin is NOW and the only place to start is within yourself. The key to the prison door is in your own hand and Engaging the Future would like to help you see it...and then show you exactly how to use it to open every door that matters to you.
Caution: Engaging the Future is NOT a ‘passive’ learning process; it is a challenging adventure. We guarantee you will be challenged as never before. You will quickly leave your ‘comfort zone’ behind and risk the exciting ride, headlong into fresh territory.
If you dare, we promise to guide you on the ride of a lifetime.
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Engaging the Future - Register NowRegister now for the entire course (Engaging Yourself as a Leader, Engaging Others as a Leader, Engaging the Future as a Leader) to receive a discount on the total package price. |
Select a date to attend this course. | ||
Reason 5:
You Are Looking for Something Truly Different, Something that Will Really Work
If you are still reading, it means you know what you want and are starting to feel a bit excited about the possibilities of Engaging the Future. True?
And, if you have any common sense, you have also started to ask yourself “is this for real? Is Engaging the Future really worth the time and effort? How can I be sure this is going to work for me?”
Those are the perfect questions to ask and a strong indication of your natural leadership ability...because all great leaders have mastered the Inquiring Mind. Please read on!
Here is exactly what makes Engaging the Future truly Different. As a certified “Engaging Leader” you will:
- Easily take on more empowering beliefs and help others to do the same.
- Understand and know how to activate the power of engaging storytelling, as the owner of a Storytelling Mind
- Learn how to use the power of your own values to engage your life and the lives of others you lead
- Be able to short-circuit any un-resourceful thoughts and access your inner resources
- Discover when you are “riding a Dead Horse” and be able to quickly begin riding a new horse that can take you to the future you want to reach
- Know how to keep yourself in the “Center Ring” and avoid getting lost in the “Sideshow”
- Gain a clear understanding of your own natural talents, your Inner Genius, and have a Genius Strategy to keep your development on the fast track
- Learn the Core Assumptions of Engaging the Future that can provide effective strategic approaches to overcome all challenges
- Become a master of your own Personal Vision and be able to co-create, with those you lead, Team Visions that truly inspire
- Have the experience of creating an amazing personal leadership project and leading it to a successful outcome
- Receive the gift of the Inquiring Mind and be able to use Inquiry to address any challenge, while giving the gift to others at the same time. You will lose interest in ‘answers’ and focus on the questions that lead to the Gold
- Learn and master “Avatar Listening” and have an ‘unfair advantage’ as a leader of people
- Understand the principle of the Focusing Mind and be able to use it keep yourself, and others, focused on what really matters
- Be able to use the Activating Mind to activate yourself, and others, to reliably make things happen
- Confidently use the Innovating Mind to ensure that the Vision actually becomes the “new normal” --- the essential principles of effective execution that separate the amateurs from the pro’s
- Have the tools and attitudes of the Navigating Mind that will differentiate you from the mediocre and inspire others with the confidence and skills to keep the strategy on track
- Be able to use the Re-Framing Mind to change the meaning of anything...from something that is disempowering to something that is inspiring. And you will easily model this and teach it to others
- Join the ranks of Conscious Leaders who Create More Conscious Leaders
You can learn all of the above, and much more, by choosing Engaging the Future now. Register now and Engage the Future!
Reason 6:
Last, but not Least: Your Greatest Fear is That Your Future Will Not be Very Different from Your Past
When people stay stuck in the ‘status quo’ the only outcome is a predictable future. Because for many people, the future is going to look very much like the past: slow, painful progress, low satisfaction, feeling like a Donkey and wondering “is that all there is?”
My name is David Chard, president and founder of Engaging Minds and creator of the Engaging the Future program. I spent 35 years of my life...after university...learning what actually works in business and organizations...and very importantly, I know what does not work. I learned, the hard way, what keeps people stuck..and sadly ‘on track’ for a disappointingly predictable future. I want to share my experience with you now so you can get on a new track to the future you know you deserve...and avoid the costly mistakes that can mean years of fruitless struggle. I hope you will fully consider that value this offer will bring you when you choose to invest in yourself.
Engaging the Future embodies my Vision of a different kind of leader. A leader who is not interested in Donkey Farming. A leader who is able to awaken his own inner giant and also the giant in every person they lead. These leaders will awaken others in a virtuous cycle that will lead to a better world. I want you to be a part of this. I humbly invite you to engage and immerse yourself in the journey of Engaging the Future. I am 110% committed to you achieving this Vision so that you can experience your own vision and lead others to achieve things they currently think are possible.
Consider this: Why not take a decision right now that will change your life?
If you want less than this Vision, Engaging the Future may not be right for you. Only you can make that decision. And since you have read this far, I am going to share with an important secret: there are only 3 things you need to be able to create an extraordinary future for yourself. For this we are indebted to Christopher Avery, one of the many leadership experts who have helped to shape Engaging the Future. Here they are:
- Set Your Intention. That means declaring, to yourself and others, what you want and what you are committed to. It means you must become willing to do whatever it takes to get it..so long as the rights and dignity of others is always preserved. No one can make you want something. Only you have the power to believe in yourself.
- Raise Your Awareness. This means you start actively paying attention to what it is costing you to keep doing the unskillful things that don’t actually work. Its like installing an inner radar that automatically alerts you when you are tempted to ride another Dead Horse. This allows you to take corrective action, re-set your intention and choose another thought or action that has power in it. You can find another horse, a “Noble Steed” that can actually take you somewhere. We claim that Engaging the Future is such a Noble Steed.
- Confront Yourself. This is the step that separates the average person from the Master. Having the inner strength to confront yourself and face up to the things that derail your progress, make a decision to get off the Dead Horse and move forward again. This is powerful “Leadership Kung Fu” and when your “confront muscle” is well developed you will have mastered one of the greatest secrets of life: that the only thing standing between you and what you want...is you! And that is Good News because “you” are one of the few things in the Universe over which you have a great deal of influence.
There you have it. And, ‘knowing’ these steps is not going to be enough. If you merely ‘know’ about them you merely have ‘information’---what is called cognitive understanding. At Engaging the Future we will teach you specifically HOW TO ACTIVATE this knowledge. You will get all the details, the steps, the methods, the tools, the guidance and the experiential learning opportunities that are unlike anything you experienced in school.
Our promise to you is simple: We will show you HOW to master your life and provide you real-life opportunities to practice what you learn. Our commitment is move you from education to ACTIVATION...based 100% on things that actually work, not theories.
We invite you again to choose Engaging the Future today and intervene in your own Destiny.
Don't hesitate any longer- Sign up today!
The ETF Promise |
The sooner you begin, the faster you will progress powerfully in the direction of your dreams. We look forward to showing you the way and to guiding your journey. If you are willing to get on the horse, we are committed that you will learn how to ride it. We cannot ride the horse for you. And we are there to make sure you stay on the horse and ride it proudly across the finish line. |
About Your Investment in Engaging the Future: What’s the ROI for You?
Its possible that you want to have a clearer picture about the value of your investment in Engaging the Future. We are going to clarify that for you now so you will have a firm grasp on the facts. You may be saying to yourself: “is this really worth NT$90,000 of my hard earned money?”
It Absolutely Is.
Engaging the Future is a five month journey to mastery. It includes six workshop says plus a Graduation Day, all held in a top quality venue. In between the three 2-day learning sessions there are two 30-day practice periods during which time you will be supported by another participant as your Buddy. Following the 3 learning sessions there is a 90 day period during which you will lead a project designed by you. While you are leading your project, you will have not one, but 5 committed Buddies to support your success.
You will receive a powerful 3 volume Participant Toolkit with a wealth of articles, tools, instructions and exercises that you can rely on for years to come.
In addition you will receive two special card decks that can transform your abilities as an Engaging Leader:
- Inquiry Cards: a 72-card deck, beautifully printed, that can guide your skillful inquiry into anything and be the catalyst for breakthrough thinking
- Values Cards: use these cards anytime to help you assess yours and other’s highest values and translate this knowledge into motivational power
You will also have access to a host of special resources on the EngagingMinds website, only available to paid participants in Engaging the Future.
You will, in 150 days, transform your abilities as a leader. The value of that includes your new confidence, skills, attitudes that are going to also transform your value to any organization or to your own business should you decide to start one. This alone could be worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in increased earning power over the course of your career.
Let’s assume that you will be working another 15 years. In that case, your NT$90,000 investment translates into a daily investment of about NT$6 per day!! So in case you thought this was “expensive” please think again! It is one of the smartest investments you can make...an investment in yourself.
In case you are focused on the “cost” we’d like to also remind you that a “cost” is when you have to spend money but get nothing back in return. If your house burns down or you crash you car into a wall, these are examples of “costs.”
Your investment in Engaging the Future can make the difference between living an extraordinary life as an Engaging Leader and making your own dreams come true...or simply working at a ‘job’ and making someone else’s dream come true!
We invite you to sign up on our site and contact us for any questions you may have. We commit to responding to all inquiries in 24 hours or less.
Looking forward to meeting you in person at Engaging the Future. Your new future begins from the moment you commit yourself to joining us.
David Chard